Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 2: Learning to Fly

'learn to fly' photo (c) 2007, Davide Mancini - license: you believe that in one short class session, you are blogging?  Did you see that coming?  Well, this is only the beginning of your techno-makover.  I hope that you will not only learn a lot about how to integrate what you are learning into your future classrooms (or life), but that you will enjoy the process!  Remember that mistakes are part of any learning process, so do not be afraid to make them. . .in fact, if you are not making mistakes, I would venture to say that you are not learning as much as you could be . . .

This week, I want to ensure that everyone was able to get the "About Me" page on her/his blog and show you a few ways in which you can enhance your blog.  We will discuss leaving commentsand I would like you to put a picture of yourself in Moodle. . .this helps me get to know everyone much quicker.  I will introduce you to the journal article and scan assignments, discuss Citation Machine, and introduce you to. . .drumroll please. . .how to use Twitter as a professional development tool.  And a handful of other fun and interesting technology tidbits. . .remind me to discuss Dropbox. . .

You did sign up for TaskStream and become a member of ISTE, right?

This week's Question:  What should every teacher know about you?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 1: Welcome to Ed422!

Welcome to another awesome semester of EDUC 422. . .Technology Tools for Education. By the end of this course you will learn a lot about how to integrate technology into your classroom, as well as a few tricks and tips for how to ramp-up your so-called digital life ;-)

I will use this blog to keep everyone updated on the weekly requirements for the course, as well as model for you how to create a blog for your future classroom!  I need you to read each entry carefully, as I will be giving away $50 tonight to the person who finds the hidden gnome in this very post. . .Okay, not really, but I do need everyone to read each entry ;-)

Technical Issues:  
First order of business:  If you do not have a Gmail Address/Account, you need to get one!  (and no, your CSUSM email does not count).  Don't worry, I have worked it out with Google to give you free email accounts!
You will be asked to join and/or participate in a number of web-based tools, software, etc. . .I recommend that you find a user name that identifies you, is appropriate for school/parents, and one that you can remember. . .
While this course has no required text, you will be required to subscribe to ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education (see link on this blog), as well as purchase a subscription to TaskStream, an online portfolio generator.  
     For TaskStream (also linked on this blog): You will need to self-enroll in the Local TPE.      
     Here are the code you will need:
                                               Local TPE: 6SG3BA

I will also ask you weekly questions on this blog that you will need to answer. Some are related to education and most are related you your lives. . .It allows me to build community while ensuring that you are reading the weekly posts!

This Week's Question: What is your current favorite piece of technology and why? (currently, I think I would have to say my iPad. . .although my quest to master Angry Birds almost cost me everything I hold. . .okay, perhaps that is a bit of hyperbole ;-)