Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 10: If You're Happy and You Know It!

Week ten has arrived!  Energized from what I'm sure was a very relaxing spring break, we begin our march toward the end of the semester. I spent a good part of Sunday morning giving everyone feedback on the collaborative NETS narratives.  Overall, I would say that the quality was high.  There were a few groups who would have benefited from stronger peer feedback and a stronger grasp of the method for writing the narratives.  When an instructor gives you samples, it is a great idea to look them over.  From my feedback, I expect you to utilize the threaded comment feature of Google Docs.  If I left you a comment, please complete your edit and leave your own comment as to what was corrected.  If you have a question, the discussion box could also be utilized for this.  Again, the samples would serve you well if you need to see a good model.

In progress: Journals 6-10 (due April 16), The PLN assignment (due April 3), the Excel Crossword assignment. . .remind me to discuss conditional formatting, which is different in Office 10.  Also, your sheet of clues will have to be hand-typed since you are creating it yourself. Also, you will submit the spreadsheet with the clues filled-in.  You are not creating a template! (due this Wed, March 28) and the Emerging Technology Checklist (not due until the last day of class, May 7)

This week:  I will ensure that you can request feedback on TaskStream. We will register for a Symbaloo account and I will show you how to add tiles for NETS I to your webmix.  The completed webmix will have links/tiles to all of your artifacts for TPE 14, including your narratives in GoogleDocs. You will also become Symbaloo certified, which will include a badge you can put on your blog!  "What is Symbaloo?" you ask.  Think of it as a mix between iGoogle and Diigo. . .It's a way to house resources, links, and other types of web content, like RSS feeds on one visually interesting page. . . once created, you can also embed a "webmix" into your blogs.  Sounds awesome, right? The amazing folks at Symbaloo have generously offered to get you certified for free!
Here are the steps:

1. Click Here to sign-up for the certification program.  (I will give you the code in class)
2. Click Here to access the certification website.
3. Follow the tutorials by row, check out the webinar assignment & take the webinar quiz.
4. Repeat the process until you complete the four tutorials.
5. Take the final exam.
6. Wait for your confirmation email that you have been certified (it could take a week). . .
7. Forward the confirmation email to me:
8. Celebrate your new skill by sharing with friends and family!!
I will go over the requirements for Journal 8/Adaptive Technology, which is two assignments in one.  Lastly, I will introduce the CyberSafety Collaborative Website Assignment.  We will be using a new tool called Weebly to create the website.  Weebly is user-friendly and visually awesome.  I think you will not only enjoy the tool, but you will learn a lot about cybersafety in the process.

Next Week:  I will be out of town.  You will be given the week to work on the multitude of assignments that should be on your to do lists. I recommend that you use this time to meet with your cybersafety group and work on the website.  This meeting could be face-to-face in the lab or it could be virtually online.

This Week's Question: Do you believe a high school exit exam should be required to graduate from high school?  Why or Why not?  Explain.


  1. Yes I do. It's not that difficult a test, I remember taking it in high school I believe as a sophomore and I passed it with no trouble at all. Granted others might not have such an easy time with it. I can't really think of any reasons as to why someone would think it shouldn't be required. I'm sure there are people opposed to it but until I hear other people's responses my answer is yes it should be a requirement to graduate high school.

  2. I have mixed feelings about this test personally I do not feel that tests truly show ones knowledge however, I think that their should be something that students must accomplish in high school in order to pass. If i had to take a stand I would say that no this test should not be given I think its more important for the teachers to evaluate students based off their performances thought out school not just on one test.

  3. I do not think there should be any tests to graduate from high school although the exit exam was simple. If we pass our classes and receive a C or better that is passing high school. If you want to achieve higher then get honor role and a better school but high school is just a stepping stone to college. College is more important to pass out of.. even though i think college is not a stepping stone for something bigger.

  4. I believe that there is a need for students to take the high school exit exam in order to graduate because it holds them accountable. However, I feel extremely terrible for students who are not fluent in English because the exam in all in English. The question is can we create an exam that will take in to consideration ALL students? This is not an easy question.

  5. I feel that there should be an exit assessment but it should be leveled and appropriate per student. The exam should incorporate and accommodate, special education needs, language needs, and or various learning styles. If students were given a choice (i.e. take comps or write thesis) the assessment would be more valid and reflective of what he/she knows.

  6. I think that high school students should be required to pass an exit exam. Although the exam is pretty basic and simple, it is a great way for students to show their knowledge. I think it can be a little overwhelming for seniors because there are so many other major tests, like the SAT and ACT tests.

  7. Its a good idea if you really think about it for the fact that it test students on an educational level in which they either meet the requirements that would make them successful in life. It also keeps in line the teachers, making sure that they are teaching the students what they need to learn and understand. What needs to be noticed is those that need that extra help so that they can pass the exam. This exam is the same one that all high school students will take but not all students are the same and this is not being viewed.

  8. I don't feel that a high school exit exam is necessary. They had four years worth of exams and assessments, and that should be good enough to determine if a student should graduate or not. There really is no reason in my opinion that a student should have to be test once again on stuff they should have passed already. If they meet all of the requirements to pass their classes, then that should be enough.

  9. I think that there should be an exit exam, however I think that there should be different levels of tests that fit different students abilities. It's not fair for special education students to do assignments and tests all four years of high school and then not get to graduate due to a exit exam that is to hard for their learning level.

  10. I do not think that high school exit exams are necessary. If the students have passed their classes they have proven through years of work that they have enough knowledge to pass the classes. Rather than have the kids cram at the end of their senior year in preparation of passing the exit exam but rather spend their time finishing their courses with care.

  11. I believe that there should not be a high school exit exam. What is the point of all the test in each class if a student must also complete an exit exam. When I took the exit exam it was pointless, and not at high school level. A high school students job is to finish each of their classes with a passing grade to finish high school, not to complete a dumb-down exam.

  12. No, there should not be a high school exit exam. Those who are in danger of passing this test are typically students who have always been behind in school for whatever reason. These students should be spotted and aided before senior year of high school.

  13. No there should not be a high school exit exam required to graduate from high school. Students are tested with midterms and finals throughout school already. I agree with Woodie G., further students must already take required core class in all high schools across the states. One of the reasons for school testing is ensure schools are doing their job.

  14. I don't think that a high school exit exam should be necessary to assess students' readiness to graduate. They should be demonstrating in their classes that they comprehend the material and are capable of critical thinking. Plus, the CAHSEE is a bit of a joke; it only covers material up to an 8th grade level. If a student can't pass it, they are likely failing their classes anyways.

  15. I do not believe that there should be a high school exit exam required to graduate from high school. I believe that students show sufficient competency throughout their classes. By passing each course, students are demonstrate their ability to successfully graduate. In addition, the content on the exit exam is very basic. For many individuals, the classes they take are far more challenging.

  16. I feel that with the multitude of exams given throughout school that a high school exam is overkill. When leaving school, students need to be able to exhibit skills applicable not only to academics, but to life. Students need to prove that they've learned how to be financially savvy, job search, college life, etc. These requirements can be met by taking (and passing) a class. The need for a multiple choice exam is unnecessary.

  17. I do not think it should be a requirement. Students have finals to take and pass and so many other exams and papers to pass that the exit is exam is excessive. If students can pass their finals and exams all through high school, then why do they need to pass a last and final exam as well. I think it's kind of ridiculous.

  18. I have to disagree with some comments and point out a couple of things. While I do agree that getting a C or better (within the context of a credits-earned framework) should be enough to pass High School, I disagree that college is not a stepping stone to something greater. I am graduating with my BA this semester and have applied to grad School and am hoping to start my Masters Degree this Fall. Also, I hope to achieve earning my Doctorate one day. College is a very essential step in this process.

    I think a better concept for an exit exam might be to test the students at the end of Junior Year and see where they need help, whether with English and Writing, Reading, Math, Science or History. Then their Senior classes can be tailored to enhance and complete their high school educations.

  19. I think it is a good idea to have a high school exit exam because it is crucial that when we let our youth enter the real world, they are educated and prepared for the future. I wouldn't that it is a difficult exam to pass in order to purposely fail students, rather it is just a test to see how prepared these students are for the future.

  20. I was pretty sure I answered this question, but I don't see my answer here.
    I do not think high school exit exams should be required to graduate. There are many issues involved with these tests that I was not aware of until learning more about them in my ED350 class. Many teachers end up "teaching to the test" and ultimately short students of a full education. Inevitably, any subject that isn't on the test becomes excluded from the curriculum.

  21. I do not think that there should be a high school exit exam. The content on the test is of a low standard and does not accurately reflect what students learn in the course of their high school career. Students are tested much more rigorously in their individual classes are these grades reflect more of their hard work and mastery of a subject than the high school exit exam.

  22. i feel like passing all your classes throughout the four years of high school is proof enough that the students are competent enough to graduate. taking one more test that assesses basic skills makes high school students no more aware or prepared for college.

  23. I do not think that we should have the high school exit exam. I feel as though if you pass all your classes with a C or better you have already shown you have learned your basic skills. My younger brother was in special day classes as well as the general ed, but he walked with a certification of completion instead of a diploma. He went to school all 4 years like me and made the honor roll, but because he couldn't pass this test he didn't receive a diploma.
