This week, I want to ensure that everyone was able to get the "About Me" page on her/his blog and show you a few ways in which you can enhance your blog. We will discuss leaving commentsand I would like you to put a picture of yourself in Moodle. . .this helps me get to know everyone much quicker. I will introduce you to the journal article and scan assignments, discuss Citation Machine, and introduce you to. . .drumroll please. . .how to use Twitter as a professional development tool. And a handful of other fun and interesting technology tidbits. . .remind me to discuss Dropbox. . .
You did sign up for TaskStream and become a member of ISTE, right?
This week's Question: What should every teacher know about you?
Every teacher should know that I plan to work hard and do my best in their class. That aside, they should also know that I am rarely serious, terribly sarcastic, and if left to my own devices, I tend to make a little bit of mischief. I learn pretty quickly and like helping students around me. I am also horribly busy, so if they assign more work than necessary to reinforce lessons, I will probably zone out of the class.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I put my whole heart into a given task, no matter what it entails. I am a perfectionist. While this may seem like a great quality to have, it gets the best of me quite often. The phenomenal thing about this world is that each individual is entitled to his/her own opinions. When my perfection is graded harshly, my heart is broken. For those teachers who understand and appreciate individualism,and perfeciton of course, thank you.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I believe in collaboration. I can't do my job without a team, (it seems like an army). I rely on everyone's help and in return, I hope to give mine. It is amazing how much more I have learned from fellow teachers, administrators, support staff, specialists, and of course, the students. As for my personal education, again, I believe in collaboration. I learn from others ideas and in return, I learn how to communicate mine.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I'm spread very thin between running and school, that I often fall asleep in my classes. I can't get a lot of work done at my apartment because there are way too many distractions. But when I choose to apply myself, things come easy to me. Every teacher should know this. When the time comes to buckle down, I'll get whatever I need to get done, done.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I will always look out for the best interests of our students. To achieve this goal I will have to grow as a teacher, and we will have to work as a team on improving. I am aware that there is always room for improvement no matter what you do.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I value respect. One of the mottos I live by is "I do not ask you to agree with me but I do ask you to respect me." I become very uncomfortable and uneasy when the same respect is not afforded to those around me. I believe that we all come from different walks of life and have different experiences, and that leads us to believe what we do, to think how we do, and to make choices based on those aspects of ourselves. I enjoy and thrive off of diversity opinions and thoughts, as it not only challenges me to think what I believe, but also exposes me to other ideas and thoughts, so that my opinions are not narrow.
ReplyDeleteI feel that every teacher should know about how understanding I am. School is not for everyone and I feel that it is important to remember that many people have difficulties with learning. Therefore, when I am a teacher I want everyone to know that everyone struggles and there are ways to improve and accomplish your dreams. With hard work and the right guidance anything is possible.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am a perfectionist. I will not turn in any work that I do not feel was given 100% or something that I am not happy with. I'm not the biggest fan of group work and feel that I get a lot of work done when I am in the privacy of my own home, on my own computer, on my own desk, and by myself. I work very well under pressure and in most instances I work better. I am always the first to offer help to any of my peers and although I seem extremely OCD I am a very easy to get along with and have a big sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that things usually come easily to me however when I do not understand I get extremely frustrated and upset. I hate not being able to 'get it'. Usually it just takes me another student to explain it to me give me a minute please! I also am a horrible judge at approximating how much time something will take me so I am late everywhere I go!
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know I am a hard worker and dedicated to my schooling. I love group work and completing task as a class. I ask a lot of questions and prefer the grading scale based on assignments and participation. (I am a horrible test taker, although I might understand the questions I second guess myself.) I like organization, :)
ReplyDeleteI value respect, honesty, contribution . All students should be honest in their work, social lives, and contribution to the classroom. Students should have a mutual respect for everyone they come across and in turn respect should be expected from others. Contribution should come to the best of one's ability
ReplyDeleteI demand the same of myself as a student.
DeleteEvery teacher should know that I love attending school because of the new knowledge I acquire each day. I am a very responsible student who always gives his 100%. I enjoy working in groups because it grants me the opportunity to meet new people and get exposed to new perspectives. Additionally, I am not afraid to ask for help whenever I need it.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am never early to any of my appointments or classes. There are going to be some times that I am going to be's going to happen!
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I always maintain a positive attitude, and my laughing and/or making light of situations should not come off as a lack of interest or attention. I will always be there to help people around me if I am able, and will do so with a smile on my face. Especially for my current teachers, who are teaching me essential information to obtain my credential, I am extremely interested and excited about all these classes. Oh, and I hate group work with a passion, unless each person in the group is held accountable by the teacher on an individual level (like making it an online project of some sort).
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I apply myself fully to every task...but I will probably procrastinate and end up applying myself overnight to get things finished! So don't be surprised if I show up to class half asleep.
ReplyDeleteTo start off, I am not always on time every class but I will show up. For this class in particular I am already flustered about the technology because I have already had some issues, so this means I will have questions! I am determined to learn more about technology through this class but I can already tell it is going to be a challenge. I am a respectful hardworking student and will always put in my 100%.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am a bit shy in class, just because I'm not talking does not mean I'm not learning.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am hardworking and want to do well in school. I also ask ALOT of questions. I have high expectations for myself and want to be successful.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I'm an audio learner and when I'm looking down all the time I am taking notes not slacking off. I've had so many professors get angry at me for "not paying attention" yet I can sum up everything they just said.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am a horrible speller and that I will probably spell either their name or my own name wrong at some point.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I love being around kids and watching them learn and being able to help them in learning. I love when they come to me with a problem and ask for help and I am able to help them and piratically watch it click in their minds and on their face that they understand what their mistake was.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am a perfectionist. Especially with my notes, my planner, and organizing things, like, my iphone, my computer files, and my blogs!
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am a creative person who enjoys thinking outside of the box, especially when teaching students...
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that if I have to stand up and speak in front of my peers, I will get very red and nervous the first few times. Once I am comfortable with the group of people I am fine, but I don't do well with public speaking with people my own age or older the first few times.. I'm overly critical of myself..
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am really shy and don't really like to talk! But when I'm comfortable I eventually talk a little too much! hahaha Also they should know that I am a very dedicated person and that I always try my best at everything. I am a hard worker and i appreciate everything that i have and have earned! They should also know that I am a blogger now and they should follow my page :) hahaha Just kidding
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I may seem quiet in the classroom but once I am placed into a social environment, I love to talk and learn about others.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I am very sociable, and for that I apologize in advance for how many times you'll have to tell me to hush and pay attention. I make friends in every class I am in, and I am a chatter box. I am also very sarcastic. However, I am a devoted, hard-working, perfectionistic student who hates social loafers and encourages excellence in her peers. I am a motivator, a dreamer, and a lover of laughter. I firmly believe a smile goes a long way and a glass-half-full attitude is never a bad thing.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I get distracted easily by people that are talking in the background and that I am shy about asking questions
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher should know that I take very detailed notes and I at times do research regarding things that are discussed, even if we are not being tested on the material. I have strong opinions and I like to be able to back up my ideas with data or documented information whenever possible. I love learning and I plan to attain my PhD. i like to join class discussions but will refrain from doing so if I have not read the material or am unfamiliar with the topic. I would rather listen and learn then bumble with half-formed ideas and cause confusion.