Let's see, you have had a fair amount of time to complete the assignments that were introduced in the weeks prior to the holiday. Journal articles 1-5 are due next Monday. . .I highly encourage you to work in these before the weekend. . .it will truly make them much more interesting. Diigo is due on Wednesday and the Technology Self-Assessment should have been completed by last Thursday. I will do my best to be in the lab an hour or so before class, so please come in if you need any assistance.
Tonight, we will have quite a bit of material to cover. I want to discuss TaskStream, GoogleDocs, and how you will be writing your first NETS-T narrative. We will also go over the presentation assignment as I intend to introduce most of you to a fun new way to present material with a web-based tool called Prezi. It should be a fun, ash-free evening for all!
This Week's Question: What is something you have learned well without formal teaching? How did you learn it? This could be a sport, hobby, musical instrument, etc. .