About TaskStream narratives: I have given two more editing visits to your collaborative NETS I narratives. The expectation was that they would be completed by class time. . .I don't think we will be at 100%, but I hope to have more than a few groups with all of their text turned black. If you have not given the narratives the attention they require, please do so ASAP.
Past Work: The collaborative websites were due Friday. We went over in class that you would put the websites on your blog as a page with a weblink. When you submit this in Cougar Courses, you are to give a link to the site and tell me who was in your group and what page each group member completed. . . I moved the date for Journals 6-10 to Thursday and the Mindmapping due date to Saturday. However, Journal 8/Adaptive Technology assignment was due last Saturday. Also, you should be continuously adding artifacts to your blog as your finish them. . .Symbaloo certification is also something you should complete.
I will do my best ot get to class an hour or so early to help anyone who needs it. . .please try to schedule some time there if you find yourself in need of assistance!
This Week's Question: With the fairly unique structure of this course, what have you discovered about yourself as a learner? How will that help you as a teacher?
I have discovered that I actually like group collaboration. I like that we sit next to one another, at the computers, and that we use each other as a resource. This is mirrored with twitter- connecting with others to share information. I came in "bitter to twitter" but I now find myself on twitter more than facebook. I like that twitter is also collaborative and most tweeters are simply sharing information. I have found such neat resources and people to follow and learn from. I once thought that working individually was the best way, but I now see how beneficial to the learning process collaboration really is!
ReplyDeleteI have discovered that I need much more step by step explanations on how to do tasks. I have also learned that everyone does things and different speeds and its important to have many different tasks so that everyone can have work to do. I also learned that it takes time to get use to new things such as twitter but once you do you can really benefit form it.
ReplyDeleteI have discovered a way to access information and instructions via the internet. This class reaffirmed that task and project based learning is just as efficient as book learning, if not better.
ReplyDeleteI have discovered that I prefer to work than to sit and listen. I really like coming to class and having a project to work on rather than coming in, listening to a lecture, and going home to write a paper. As a teacher, I will work to ensure that my students get in class time to work for two reasons. One, so that they have less to do at home. And second, so that I am there to give them instant feedback and guide them throughout their assignment.
ReplyDeleteI have discovered that I enjoy obtaining help from my peers when it comes time to dealing with technology. In other courses that I have taken in the past and the ones that I am currently taking whenever I need extra assistance or clarification the first person I ask for help is my professor. However, this class is the exception, I fist ask my classmates for help and then the professor. This method of learning will help me in my future path as an educator because I can foster an atmosphere of peer assistance. In other words where peers help one another and then ask for help from the teacher. It simply makes learning more engaging and fun!
ReplyDeleteI have discovered that I definitely respond better and work more efficiently when I know I have a specific due date to adhere to. If you were just giving us tasks and saying turn in when completed, I would probably get them all half done and then rush to finish them to turn in. As a teacher, I think it will help me to delegate different tasks and assignments and prioritize which assignments need to be completed first, and which ones can be pushed until later.
ReplyDeleteI have discovered that technology is my friend now and not my enemy. i have learned different ways to present my classroom more creatively rather than black and white every day lectures. This will teach my students to learn more about technology and help them become more creative in their work. This will also advance them in our technology world and prepare them for their future. I have learned new things about myself and how i learn and this class has taught me a lot about stepping out of my comfort zone.
ReplyDeleteI have discovered that I need to make a timeline for myself when given multiple tasks. As an educator, being able to break down deadlines, report writing, assessments, planning, etc. into reasonable parts is crucial. I guess the only difference is, I am more comfortable in the school setting and less familiar with technology. My pacing plan needs to look a little different when dealing with the unfamiliar.
ReplyDeleteI have learned that technology has far more tools readily available for any and all who wish to take advantage of them. Before this class, I knew that technology was my friend, however, I never knew to what extent. I can now happily say that I have a wide range of tools and resources that will prove to be helpful within my own classroom.
ReplyDeleteI discovered that I like to keep things simple. The things I have enjoyed and that I will probably use later are the things that are easy to use. As a teacher, I should not try and use things that are too complicated.
ReplyDeleteI discovered that I can not be on the computer for more than 2 hours or ill become distracted and fixated on something else. I don't know If i can solely rely on technology to do everything in the classroom. I am becoming a techie and so excited to have learned all these unique tools!
ReplyDeleteI have noticed that I utilize my planner a lot! Without it I would be lost and forget assignments and when they are due. This class has many assignments, so when I write them down with their due date in my planner it helps me to get them done in a timely manner. This is good for when I'm a teacher because teachers need to be organized.
ReplyDeleteI have discovered MANY things as a result of this class. The first, I cannot rely solely on technology. I learn and remember better when I have a pencil in my hand. Contrary to that, I also learn by doing, so DOING things on the computer help rather than learning by watching. I can use this in the classroom by noticing that everyone learns differently, some visually, some mechanically and as a teacher I need to meet all needs. Second, I have learned that teachers use internet as support way more than I thought.
ReplyDeleteI have learned that with a little confidence, I can figure things out on my own without specific step by step instruction. I can prove to myself that I am, in fact, intelligent and capable. This will help me as a teacher because it will calm me in situations where I am unsure about a new task, and help me show my students how to have confidence in ones ability.
ReplyDeleteI have discovered through this course that everybody is different. I'm still figuring out my strengths and weaknesses though. I'm the type of person that thrives under competition. I know I work better and I'm more accomplished if I have that carrot dangling out in front of me. I'll just imagine that there is an award for the best teacher every year if there isn't one already and I'll go from there.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that I don't I accept change very well. I have found it difficult to accept many of the topics and ideas presented in the course. As a teacher I believe that this will be problematic at times. Especially with the field of history being my field of expertise, change occurs when new information is found and accepted. This may put me behind when it comes to teaching current beliefs.
ReplyDeleteThis course has brought to my attention how much I get flustered around technology. I am getting better and more comfortable using technology and would defiantly use it in my classrooms. This is a great class even though I am negative, but I am getting better. I am starting to like technology more =]
ReplyDeleteI have discovered that I have the ability to do more with technology than I thought. This class has taught me a lot. And now i believe technology is something that i can incorporate into my lesson plans. I believe this is important because we have enter into the digital age, where technology has a greater influence than in the past.
ReplyDeleteI have found that I prefer it when the teacher provides a schedule of assignments with due dates at the beginning of the class so that I can plan my time ahead of time. And I discovered that I can do a lot of things on my own if given specific instructions but that I do still need to check in with the teacher to clarify things for me every once in a while. Knowing these things is very helpful because I can apply them to my own classroom. Depending on the age group that I end up teaching I would like to have students doing a fair amount of independent group work where I can check in with each group periodically to help.
ReplyDeleteI discovered I was a slower learner than others, but I often produce quality work. I also discovered that I need more time than i usually set aside for myself. As a teacher I could allow time for all students to understand the topic and make sure students know that they set the pace as long as they give it their all. Also I need to set aside a large time gab for if it takes me longer than expected to complete an assignment. I can make deadlines for students early on so they can learn that prioritizing is important.
ReplyDeleteI discovered that I need to have a very organized classroom. It is easier for me when 1 assignment is due and that assignment would be due by class the next week. It gets way to chaotic and stressful for me when more than one assignment is presented and there are different due dates for each. As a teacher I will have a daily checklist for my students so that they know what will happen throughout the day and so that they know exactly what is due the next class.
ReplyDeleteI have learned that I am a lot more organized than I usually give myself credit for. Although in order to stay organized, I rely HEAVILY on my planner, as I would not remember a thing without it. With all of the assignments that are due in this class, I have only stayed on track and on top of my assignments by consistently checking my planner. I will encourage my own students one day to use a planner to lessen the chances of becoming a little stress ball.
ReplyDeleteI have learned that I am a "hands-on" learner. I always have a much better understanding of an online tool or computer software, after actually working with the tool and completing an assignment. The unique structure of this course has emphasized the importance of organization and time management. There are always a couple different projects to be working on at any given time, so I've been forced to keep project instructions and deadlines organized.
ReplyDeleteAs a learner. I think my educational pedigree is becoming very evident through the way I look at assignments. I was once a Psychology major, so I tend to be very analytical. I am currently a History major (graduating this semester and starting grad school in the fall) but I was deciding between history and english as my major in community college. As a result, I am very invested in research and grammar and use words carefully. Writing the Taskstream paragraph was a challenge for me because it was so restrictive in length and content. I think as a teacher this will help me because I can help students to identify relevant material and analyze said material to produce their best work. Editing will still be a challenge ;)
ReplyDeleteI have learned through the abstract structure of this course that I am very self-motivated. This is a good skill to have, which I new on some level I possessed, but through out this class this particular skill was brought to light even more so. With all the independent work we do outside of class as well as the independent study time we are given in class, there is a lot of self-instruction and peers helping peers going on.
ReplyDeleteThis will help me as a teacher because I understand how hard it is at times to get the motivation needed to push through lengthy assignments. It's even harder when no one is constantly reminding you that it is approaching its due date. For the kids I'll be working with, I will be giving them freedom and expecting them to self-motivate, but I will also be guiding them gently, to remind them of the importance of staying on top of assignments.