Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 15: What a Whirlwind!

Taylor and Zoe in a huricane simulator
Really?  The semester is almost over?  I can't believe the end is coming so soon.  It seems like just yesterday we were making blogs and taking silly pictures with Photobooth.  As we wind down, I want to remind everyone how much better your life will be if you begin your TaskStream narratives sooner rather than later.  I believe it was the California almond growers that used to have a commercial that said, "A can a week, that's all we ask."  While I am not promoting that you begin to eat more nuts, I am recommending that you write a "paragraph a day" in terms of your NETS narratives.  If you tackle the NETS II-V as a paragraph a day, they will be over before you know it.  If, however, you wait until next Sunday to begin to write your narratives, you will probably be more stressed and produce work that isn't a representation of your best self. . .just sayin'
Tonight, we will finish the iMovie projects and embed them in your blogs.  Don't forget your headphones and a printed copy of your checklist for class tonight.  While you're printing you might want to print up a copy of the Emerging Technology Checklist as well.  Here is a link to both: 
Emerging Technology
iMovie Software Proficiency
These will need to be checked off by you first, then your peers, and submitted to me.  We will also go over how to create your Symbaloo webmix as a NETS/TaskStream portfolio.  This will be something that you will embed in your blog as well as TaskStream.  You will learn how to publish the NETS narratives in GoogleDocs as a webpage and embed it into TaskStream and Symbaloo.  If you need any help please ask me tonight or make an appointment to meet me before class or another agreed upon day.

This Week's Question: Do you see yourself integrating technology with your future students? If so, how?  


  1. I see myself integrating technology, daily. Currently, my site uses iPads for daily instruction. However, simple resources such as mind maps and Prezi could easily be incorporated into lesson plans and save time for future prep/planning while making instruction more engaging and efficient.

  2. I know I will have them browse the web and practice safe surfing on the web so that they can do reasearch for topics that we may have to explore. I may have them explore on Diigo so that they may save websites that they would like to later return and use again. I will be working with little ones so i will find productive activities on the web so that they can learn and have fun at the same time.

  3. yes, you may see my blog for details

  4. Yes, I do see myself integrating technology with my future students mainly because of the work we did with our blog. I think that if children could turn in their work or be given an assignment that involved making or show cases their work through a blog. It will give them a since of pride in what they have done.(at least that is what I have when looking at our blog)

  5. Most definitely, I have acquired so many fun, yet educational, ideas that I can use with the future students that connect technology to school. For example, something as simple as introducing them to Prezi or demonstrating them the endless creations that can be produced using WORD, such as the newsletter, will make the time students spend in my class that much more fun. Additionally, by exposing them to the pieces of technology I was introduced to as a 422 student I will be giving them tools that will aid them once they leave my classroom.

  6. Of course I will integrate technology with my future students! This can be done with using all the activities I learned to teach and use lessons.

  7. I am much more open to allowing students to submit projects as a technology assignment, or to present a report using a Prezi. I will encourage, model, and share with my students how they can realistically and easily use technology for their learning. I also want to continue to participate in Tweet Chats. These talks indirectly affect my students; they will challenge and encourage my thinking in different ways and topics within education. I will show them that they can use twitter in the classroom, and show them how I use it as an educator. And Diigo!? Where do I even begin with that? The possibilities are endless......and they are just beginning....

  8. Yes, I do see myself integrating technology into my future classroom. Throughout this course, there we have been exposed to many great tools that will prove to be very useful in the classroom. Each time we are given an assignment I find myself thinking of ways in which I would integrate the tool into my own classroom.

  9. Yes, I do see myself integrating technology into my future classroom. Throughout this course, there we have been exposed to many great tools that will prove to be very useful in the classroom. Each time we are given an assignment I find myself thinking of ways in which I would integrate the tool into my own classroom.

  10. Yes, I think that I will use technology in my future classroom both to supplement class lectures and to give my students resources that they can use at home. I loved the journal article about the flipped and blended classroom styles; I think this is something that could really work for me. I'd love to set up a class website or blog where students can view videos and other resources to cover class content rather than assigning massive amounts of homework that they probably won't do anyways and spend class time having students work collaboratively on labs instead. I've learned a lot of great tools that I can use later!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I definitely see myself integrating technology into my future classroom, as I feel it would be naive not to. Our world is developing and transitioning into a technology based world, and as future teachers, we need to abide by and support that. We have learned about and used an intense amount of tools in this class, and I believe these are skills we have obtained that we should not abandon. Any of these tools can be used to enhance our future students' educational experience, and I look forward to integrating tech into my own classroom.

  13. I do think I will integrate technology in my career. Even though I won't necessarily have a classroom because I want to be a speech therapist, I can still utilize technology such as blogs to communicate information with my clients. Technology is very important in today's society, it would be silly not to use it in my speech therapy work.

  14. I see myself integrating technology in the future. I think it will definitely be useful in the classroom. I also plan to integrate technology in the future because I don't to lose the skills I have gained and it would be a shame to be puttering around all the websites you taught us how to use. :)

  15. I will integrating technology with my future students because I think that it is crucial to have technology in the class- its the way of the future. We must make sure we can keep up with our students. We do not want to date ourselves by not having technology in the class. I like online presentations like Prezi!

  16. I will try to integrate technology in my classroom. I want to use technology to supplement my lectures and the main ideas of the class. In terms of using it outside of the classroom, I don't see myself using it that much

  17. Yes I will integrate technology with my students. After taking this class I have seen how technology is effective in lesson plans. Technology is the future, therefore its important to know how to use it.

  18. Absolutely! I think I will mostly use Prezi, imovie, blogger, and twitter! I can use all the above to deepen understanding, and communicate with students as well as guardians.

  19. I will definitely integrate technology with my future students. In a way, its inevitable! We live in a digital world, and our students will be exposed to it one way or another. I feel that technology and education can make a huge difference in the process of learning. After reading many articles from ISTE, getting hands on experience with webtools and taking this class, I know that there are many advantages of using technology in the classroom.

  20. I will definitely be integrating technology in my future classroom. There are many tools I can use to make lessons more fun, like Prezi and iMovie, that will help keep my students engaged. I can also use Google Forms to easily create worksheets or quizzes. My blog will be the perfect tool to help me maintain effective communicate with parents; I can post weekly about things going on in the classroom, and provide resources to the school's website or the student's online portal. For myself, I will use my Twitter and Diigo accounts to collaborate and share resources with other educators, and keep updated with educational news.

  21. Absolutely! There are so many amazing tools and websites that can help students collaborate on projects and share information. It can also help parents become involved in the classroom. Additionally, it can help my students connect with others across the world and open them up to tons of possibilities.

  22. If I do end up becoming a teacher, I will definitely incorporate technology into the classroom. I am already more interested in using technology in my everyday life, which formerly I was not interested in, and am more prepared to do so in a future classroom.

  23. I think that if I did not integrate technology in my classroom that it would be a disadvantage to my children. Although I am not the best at technology it is a huge part in today's society and I am suppose to teach the future. So yes I will integrate technology in my classroom.

  24. I definitely can see the use of integrating technology into the classroom. I am a bit old fashioned so things like twitter will not be used. I do find services like diigo,blog, Google docs, and film editing software to be very beneficial and could make the classroom a much more interesting place.

  25. I will most certainly integrate technology into the classroom I'll be instructing. The students will not only use media for research and contact outside of the classroom, but I will ask that they create videos as projects and make dynamic presentations like Prezis instead of just Powerpoints. I will teach my students about Diigo to help them get organized, and encourage their use of sites like pinterest for collages.

  26. Yes of course. Technology has been such a useful tool in my learning over the years, and now that I'm taking this class I can see just how easy it would be to incorporate technology into everyday assignments and what not.

  27. Yes I definitely will, partly because as a whole, more and more technology is being integrated into the classroom as a matter of policy, and partly because as an artist who is trained in computer networking, i can see many ways to create opportunities for creative learning using various programs and tools. Also, there are several programs that make simple tasks easier, such as homework and group projects.

  28. I defiantly see myself integrating technology in my future classroom. I have grown to like technology in a way, sort of a love hate relationship. I have seen how effective it can be to our students and teachers and I am interested in continuing this passion. =]
