Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 16: Hold Fast to Dreams

When you awake, you will have had this dream where you learned that it is not only easy to integrate technology into an educational curriculum, but fun too.  It will feel like you have been asleep for almost four months.  The things that you did in the dream seem so real: blogs, websites, html code (okay, that one might have been a nightmare), Prezi, Diigo, Symbaloo, iMovie, Excel, Google Docs, ISTE, L&L, PLN, emerging technology, adaptive technology, and more. You will yearn to be back in the world where technology is abundant and joyful, where people blog about their thoughts and have tangible proof of their learning, where the fear of technology is non-existant and standardized tests are a thing of the past. . . .SNAP!  Here we are at the last day of class.  It wasn't a dream after all.  You do have all of these skills and you fear of technology is gone! Now all you have to do it to hold on to the dream.  

Okay, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration, but I do hope that you all will take a minute to reflect on all that you have accomplished in 16 short weeks.  The most rewarding part of teaching this class for me is to visit your blogs at the end of the semester.  I see 27 unique examples of learning and 27 different paths to demonstrating fluency in technology.  They are really impressive!  I want to thank you for all of your hard work and persistence this semester.  I know that for most of you this wasn't easy, that you cringed when I asked you to fix something as minor as custom bullets on your newsletter or colors on your mind maps.  I am very mindful of what I want you to accomplish and how I want you to experience this course.  If I can in some way take the fear of grades off the table by allowing you to fix any error penalty-free, then I can get you closer to fixating on your learning, which is intrinsic.  Learning, and education, should be something deeply personal and rewarding.  Learning should be the desired outcome of a class, not a grade.  Often times, when all you focus on is a grade, learning takes a back seat and while, in a perfect world, learning and grades will correlate, this is rarely the case.  My hope for each of you is that you see each child you teach as an individual with individual strengths and weaknesses.  Get to know you kids and do your best to facilitate their learning, their growth.  And most of all, make learning fun!
Tonight, we will ensure that your blogs are the best representation of your technological savvy self.  You need to bring a printed copy of the Emerging Technology Checklist to class.  You will go through the checklist yourself, ensure all of your artifacts have a description and a connection to a NETS-T standard, and everything else on the checklist is complete.  Then, you will have at least one peer review your blog and go through the checklist.  We'll discuss your Symbaloo webmix and ensure it's embedded on your blog and in TaskStream.  I'll answer any questions about any assignment you still need to revise.  If you are finished with everything, you can work on your TaskStream narratives.  My goal is to complete all of my grading and your revisions, to include TaskStream, by Friday.  Let me repeat. . .I will complete all grading, including TaskStream, by Friday!!  Lastly, we will do course evaluations.   

I may not be in class very early today as I have another class today at 4:30.  I will do my best to be in the lab 15 minutes before class starts.

Final Question:  What is the best thing you will take away from this class?


  1. The best thing that I will take away from this class is that technology is not as scary as I thought it was. When I would read instructions for an assignment I felt as though I was reading another language, but when I would start the project I realized how easy it was. Now that's not to say everything was a walk in the park, because there were many times I would sit and scream at my computer asking why it hated me so much. Although I will quit Twitter right after class tonight, there are so many tools that I will continue to use and implement into my future classrooms. Thank you Professor Heil I had such a blast in this class!

  2. What I will take away from this class is the way technology can change education. From something as simple as a class blog, to completing flipping a classroom, technology opens so many doors for our students. Adults are often afraid of allowing their children to have too much time playing with technology. But if we teach them how to use it properly, and how to learn and grow from technology, we can harvest the powers of innovation to raise a new generation of thinkers and problem solvers.

  3. Technology is an alternative tool. It is another way for future teacher, like myself, students, and administrators to develop dialogue and transparency. It is another avenue to continue education.

  4. The best thing I will take away from this class is a newly diverse range of technological tools. As a trained network administrator, i am used to taking computers and having my way with them. Now I see how far behind I have lagged since leaving the military and pursuing my degree. now i am caught up and well-versed in current online tools!

  5. The best thing that I will take away from this class is the new found knowledge I proudly possess of a variety of different technology based tools. Throughout this past semester I have worked with several different tools, all of which I intend on implementing into my own classroom. Prior to this class, I had not the slightest idea as to how many free tools are available on the web. I am thankful to have been exposed to such resources!

  6. The best thing I will take away from this class is just knowing just how much technology is out there, and how new creative class lessons are just a click away. Although I am not the biggest fan of twitter I do think that the EDCHAT could be helpful in the future.

  7. The best thing I will take away from this class is just knowing just how much technology is out there, and how new creative class lessons are just a click away. Although I am not the biggest fan of twitter I do think that the EDCHAT could be helpful in the future.

  8. The best thing that I will take away from this class is everything. I can not choose one because all of the assignments made me aware of how technology can be useful in the classroom. This class went very smoothly even though it was overwhelming. I hope to take everything into my future classrooms and remember everything! luckily with my blog I hope it can be tool to remember everything I learned.

  9. The best thing I can take from this class is the fact that I can actually use technology. Meaning, any website, or program is possible because there are so many resources that can guide you through on the internet. I am more comfortable with using a mac and want to invest in one for my next computer. All of the assignments we created were very helpful for future lessons and assignments for students. As much as it didn't seem my interest for technology was present, I did enjoy this class. :D

  10. The best thing I will take away from this class is approaching new technology tools with patience and confidence. The assignments that I dreaded were the ones I pre-judged, assuming it was going to be awful and guess what: none of them really were that bad! Talking with classmates before class, it's exciting because one day we will be using many of these tools within our own classrooms in order to enhance the learning environment of our future students. Thanks Prof Heil for YOUR patience and YOUR dedication, as I believe it inspired us to remain positive as well. And to piggy back on Courtney, it will be so nice to always be able to access our blogs!

  11. Great photo! Hmmm.....the best thing that I can take away from this class is patience. Learning something new is NOT has been a new experience for me, rewarding and stressful. I feel that ISTE will be a tool/resource that I will continue to rely on; the unlimited resources, great articles, and ideas on how to integrate technology in the classroom are essential.

  12. The best thing I learned from this class you actually just stated technology is extremely useful and I will see each child I teach as an "individual with individual strengths and weaknesses."

  13. The one thing that I will take away from this class is how simple it is to incorporate technology in the classroom. Something as simple as letting students transform a Microsoft Word document into a newsletter will expose students to the vital role that technology plays in the world that they live in. Using technology in the classroom is not difficult and educators should do their very best to do so. I know that I will incorporate technology in my classroom because I have acquired so many ideas.

  14. The best think I can take from this class is knowing that the internet will be the best resource for teachers and students. Before ED422, I really thought I knew the "basics" of technology and how to incorporate them in the classroom but great educational tools goes beyond powerpoints and videos. Thanks Professor Heil, we learned a lot and will definitely take this with us into the classroom.

  15. I think the best thing that I will take away from this class is that new technology does not have to be scary. In fact, it is very easy to search the internet or youtube for instructions and suggestions on how to effectively use a piece of technology. Who knew the internet wasn't just for screwing around? You can actually use it professionally!

  16. I think the better question is what will NOT stick with me? I will walk away with a greater ease of incorporating technology into the classroom, and greater fluency and confidence with using technology. I have taught the students I work with skills that I have learned this semester, and now that I am a greater expert in the tech world, I hope this will carry into my classroom environment.

  17. I think the best thing that I will take away from this class is Prezi. I think it is a super wonderful tool that makes presentations SO much more interesting. It allows for creativity and originality and gives the student complete control over their final product. I will be using it again.

  18. I think the best thing I will take away from this class is the idea that there are a lot of free things out there on the internet that can help me teach. All I have to do is search and I'll find many different things that may help me in my classroom.

  19. The best thing that I will take away from this class is my blog. I have put a lot of material that I have learned through the semester into my blog, and to be able to have it forever, is priceless.

  20. How easy everything is to use. Google will be beneficial because I now know how I can create documents and share them with other people to be edited. I also think the Mind Map is useful because it can be used in the classroom as a worksheet. Prezi as well, because it is so much easier and more fun than power point. :)

  21. I believe the best thing I will take from this course is how useful the Internet has become as a tool to connect with others in the profession. Prior to this class all I knew about where the in-person and mail contacts for a PLN. Through this class I have discovered tools like diigo, blogging, forums, and twitter.

  22. The best thing I'll take away from this class is that I've learned so much about the different tools we needed to learn. I love Diigo, it has helped me so much with compiling online research for my research paper. I feel comfortable with the fact that I can relearn and reeducate myself on any of these tools. YEAH

  23. I actually don't take anything away without permission....! Hehehe just kidding I really enjoyed all the new things that we learned and i have been using Prezi, Google Doc and others that was presented to us. I will continue to use these as i continue my journey to become a teacher

  24. New ways to use technology to my advantage. I love the blog and would have never been interested in blogging otherwise :)

  25. The best thing I will take from this class is how to use technology in education. I learned a lot of useful tools that I will use for the rest of college and for future use in my classroom.

  26. The best thing I will take away from this class is integrating technology into education and personal learning. I learned a lot of new tools that will be useful to me in school as well as when I become a speech pathologist.

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